Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Week 15 Review

This is my last blog of the semester, so I thought this was a fitting image for it. And another class bites the dust...

Congratulations (Image Info)

Famous Last Words: Week 15

Outside of School
My wife and I have tirelessly been working on getting ready to move while still going to school and working 30 hours a week. I have to say that packing and preparing for a move takes a lot more time than I thought. The one thing that I didn't expect is to simply not know what to do next. We live in apartment and are crammed as it is, so it makes it difficult to pull everything out and into boxes when we don't have much extra space to begin with. And even though we will be moving into a nicer apartment, it will be smaller than our current one, so we will see if we have thrown out enough stuff to be able to fit in our new apartment. I'm not a person that gets stressed very often, but I have to say that I am pretty stressed because of everything that is going on. I just have to keep going! I can almost see the finish line for so many things, so I just have to keep my eye on the prize.

Other People's Writings
Most of the semester, I have been reading the writings and stories from the Indian Epics class. It has been interesting to be able to read stories about Mythology instead of about the Epics of India. The stories tend to take a different tone than our class's stories simply due to the fact that they have different subjects that they are writing about.

U-haul (Image Info)

Tech Tip: Weather Widget

I added a weather widget to my blog!

Learning by HEART Week 15: Reading: Love it or hate it

I have never liked reading. I tried to read the Harry Potter books growing up and never got past the first fifty pages. I love to be active and doing thing, so I think that is part of the reason why reading has been difficult for me. I also sometimes feel that it takes to long to get somewhere in a book. I think this is also why I tend to like books that you can learn from instead of reading for pleasure.

Image result for books

Books (Image Info)

Growth Mindset Week 15

This is the perfect meme to describe how I feel right now. The semester is almost over, so I keep telling my self to just keep going. Don't stop! There is a lot to do and a little time to do it, but once it is done then it is over!

Don't Stop (Image Info)

Monday, May 2, 2016

Semester Reading

I am a terrible reader, so one thing that really helped me was the option to watch videos in place of the readings. I felt like the Sita and Rama cartoon was really good and all of the Epified videos were very informational and helped me better understand Hinduism as a whole. Sometimes I felt like I was trying to just get enough words on my reading diary to make a post, but I really ended up enjoying the writing assignments. One option could be to have required reading on Tuesday, writing on Thursday, and a choice between reading and writing on Wednesday.

Semester Reflections

The greatest takeaway from this class is actually my own creative writing ability. I felt like I was able to write better throughout the semester due to the consistent need to write additional stories. Plus they were on subjects that I wasn't very familiar with, so it pushed me even more. I also learned how to create a blog. I have a feeling that my wife will want to create a family blog someday and now I can show her how!