Thursday, March 3, 2016

Week 7 Storytelling: Neighborhood Gossip

GOSSIP GIRL 1: Psst! Hey neighbor! Come here...

GOSSIP GIRL 2: What is it this time? You already got me in trouble for telling Rama that Sita was unfaithful to him. You caused them to split up!

GOSSIP GIRL 1: I know...sorry, but this time I have real news! I found out that Dhritarashtra isn't actually blind!

GOSSIP GIRL 2: That isn't true. Have you ever looked into his eyes? You can tell that he is not faking it by how foggy his eyes are!

GOSSIP GIRL 1: Yes, I have seen his eyes, but that isn't the reason why they are foggy. It is actually because one day, the Sun God, Surya, appeared to Dhritarashtra, and when he looked directly into Surya's eyes, Dhritarashtra's eyes instantly changed colors. It's just like how your eyes burn when you look directly into the sun! Except, the only difference is that he didn't go blind! It actually gave him the ability to see through anything!

GOSSIP GIRL 2: That is one of the most ridiculous things that I have ever hear, but it might just ridiculous enough to make sense! Maybe that's why he is always walking around with his eyes closed! He must feel like he is invading people's privacy when he has his eyes open. Do you think Gandhari knows?

GOSSIP GIRL 1: There is no way that his wife would walk around blindfolded everyday if she knew that her husband wasn't actually blind.

GOSSIP GIRL 2: That's a good point. So does this mean that Dhritarashtra actually knows what his children look like? They are hideous! I get creeped out every time I walk by one of those devilish creatures. I couldn't imagine having to see them every day!

GOSSIP GIRL 1: I thought he had been acting strange lately! That is why he has been spending so much time alone lately. He can't stand to be surrounded by his kids.

GOSSIP GIRL 2: Do you think that we should tell Gandhari? I feel like she has the right to know that her husband has been lying this whole time?

GOSSIP GIRL 1: As much as I dread to tell her, it is our responsibility.

(Gandhari enters)

GOSSIP GIRL 1: Gandhari, there is something that we need to tell you. Dhritarashtra isn't blind and we can prove it.

GANDHARI: What do you mean he isn't blind? I think I would know if my own husband could see or not.

GOSSIP GIRL 2: I know it is hard to be believe, but trust us. Follow us, and we'll show you.

(Dhritarashtra enters)

GOSSIP GIRL 2: Pay close attention, Ghandari. I will throw this golden cufflink at Dhritarashtra and it will be his natural instinct to catch it. Listen, and you will hear him catch it.

Gossip Girls 2 throws the cufflink and hits Dhritarashtra square on the nose without moving an inch.

DHRITARASHTRA: Ouch, my nose! I think it is broken! Who threw that!?


DHRITARASHTRA: Why can't I smell? Will I ever be able to smell again?

The Gossip Girls walk away in shame, realizing that their own gossip had spiraled out of control.

Dhritarashtra and Ghandari (image info)

Author's Note:  This story was loosely based off of Dhritarashtra and Gandhari. This story is meant to show how gossip can get out of control, making other believe in something that is false and can end with negative consequences. This happens far too often in the world today with judgments being passed prematurely. The phrase "innocent until proven guilty" never seems to apply during day to day life when it should. My motivation to write this story is to provide a reminder that it is not our place to judge others, especially if we do not know whether or not it is true. The Gossip Girls are fictional characters, but the story is based on Dhritarashtra and Gandhari and how she blindfolds herself in order for Dhritarashtra to feel like he is an equal in their marriage. The Gossip Girls are inspired from the TV Series Gossip Girl. I haven't watched it myself, but have heard about it. This story style came up on the randomizer. I thought it would be fun to write a story about two girls that gossip back and forth, cause their gossip to go to extreme measures, and directly hurt other people due their false gossip.

Title: Epified Mahabharata
Author: Epified
Year: 2016 


  1. Wow! This was a great story! Not only did it have a great build and conclusion, but it also taught a very valuable lesson. One of my favorite things is that you started off the story with "Gossip Girl 1" and the latter as titles. This foreshadowed what would soon follow (gossip!).
    Great job, I look forward to next time!

  2. Hi again Nathan! I thought your story was interesting because of the form you used. I loved the dialogue from each of the two characters. The story you created was different from the original but was similar with the gossip idea and I enjoyed that part of your story. You did a great job by telling me the gossip of the story and also inserted some humor.

  3. I see I'm back to your portfolio for this week -- I remember enjoying the Sooner wedding story a while back. :) I like the connection you make with the Ramayana at the beginning. It looks like the gossip girls' words have already had bad, unintended consequences!

    The implications for Dhritarashtra not being blind were intriguing as I was reading -- I felt really bad for Ghandari if the rumor was true, and also for Dhritarashtra because it seemed like he probably lied to make things less awkward or more convenient for himself, not realizing how much he'd get trapped in the lie with his wife also choosing blindness and his sons being obviously hideous. Then I just felt bad that he had his nose broken by silly gossips.

    On my computer, at least, the final line of your story (before the Author's Note) looks like it got cut off somehow.

  4. Wow! I really liked it, what a wonderful job! It stays true to the storytelling we have read so far; I think it could fight right in with the book. The only problem I see, and I’m sure others have mentioned it to you, is the ending just stops. As if it has been cut off. WordPress did that to me once and boy was I mad. It’s an easy fix and I hope when you fix it, it doesn’t take away to the authenticity of what you came up with. You have a really unique idea and a lesson that was learned and I like that. I think most Indian epics have that same quality. I hope to see more of this style in your stories I think it’s an original idea and something that can be played with. Oh, and before I forget as I said your idea is great, your characterization is great the only thing I wish is that the setting is more prevalent. Really play with the idea of placing the characters in a certain area, I think that it could really add to your overall story! Great job!

  5. Hello again!
    I read this when it was just a storytelling, so now I am going to re-read it as a Portfolio addition :).
    My favorite part about this story is that it has such an important life lesson. One fun thing I enjoyed was how instead of naming them just Girl 1 and Girl 2, you added Gossip. This foreshadowed the problems that would soon come (because gossiping never ends well!).
    The sad part is that the person hurt here had nothing to do with the gossiping; they were only victims.
    Your picture of the couple fit well. Another fun picture you could add could have two girls where one is whispering into the others ear, implying the secrets (and maybe lies) they're sharing.
    I used to watch the show Gossip Girls, but it got too dramatic for me. It just kept going and going and no one could trust anyone because they would blab or blow things way out of proportion. It's safe to say that no good comes from it.

  6. Hi Nathan!
    What a fun story! That is so funny how you have the gossip girls causing all that drama and it gets out of control. Poor Dhritarashtra and his broken nose. I can see how the idea of him being able to see through things would be handy though. The part about his ugly kids is hilarious! The reading was easy and I loved it. The only thing I would add is more images, but that is just my thing.

  7. I enjoyed this story so much! I read the title in your portfolio and it sounded so interesting! I liked how you kept the characters simple, naming them GOSSIP GIRL 1 and GOSSIP GIRL 2. It would have been hilarious if you had used the names from the show Gossip Girl haha! The story itself was very entertaining! You have a way with words because I was reading it, you had me believing that Dhritarashtra wasn’t actually blind! I was convinced they were finally not just gossiping but actually knew something true. When they threw the cufflink, I really did expect him to catch it! I should be ashamed that I believed these two gossipers. Also, your humor that you used at the very end was perfect. After getting hit on the nose, he asks if he’ll ever smell again. That was such a nice touch and hilarious too! Great job!

  8. I was a little bit confused when I arrived at your portfolio page. I think that if you chose to write a small introduction about your choice of stories for your portfolio, it may have been easier to recognize. Also, pictures help a lot to make each story stand out instead of running together in text. I really enjoyed reading the Neighborhood Gossip story that you included. The names made me laugh as soon as I read “GOSSIP GIRL 1” and “GOSSIP GIRL 2”! I thought that was a very silly and creative touch! The elements of each of the stories that two ladies gossip about is absolutely perfect! I love the line, “There is no way his wife would walk around blindfolded everyday if she knew!” I genuinely laughed out loud when I read that! The ending to this story was very creative as well. I think the two gossip girls learned to not believe everything they hear.
