Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Week 9 Reading Diary: 7 Secrets Hindu Calendar Art

  • Ganesha: Different people see God differently
  • Hindu beliefs can seem strange to some people, but isn't strange to those who are familiar with the beliefs
  • Peoples beliefs vary immensely. What makes a person right or wrong? Does this shape that is important in a person's life?
  • In Hinduism, there are many Gods and not a singular God.
  • Having no way to understand totality, the Hindu gods form together to give us a sort of understanding of totality in pieces
  • Each god represents different things, which gives the ability to look at a particular god for a certain ability or characteristic.
  • Some Hindu believers decided to not be married in order to become more dedicated to the Hindu faith. However, the law later changed against this.
  • Unlike Greek gods and goddesses, Hindu gods are not continued by succession according to power. They can be present at the same time.
  • Ganesha is generally worshipped before the starting of a project. He is the remover of obstacles
  • The Hindu gods try to show that they are both abstract and concrete
  • Narayan's secret is that whatever dies is eventually reborn.
  • Believing that another life will come after this one, makes Hindu believers to not have a sense of urgency because they will always have another life. More pressure is put on other religious beliefs to be better now because you only have one life here on Earth.
  • While Narayan sleeps, the world still exists, but no one is aware of it, so it is as if it doesn't exist. There is no observation with out the observer (Narayan). This is the end of the world. Does our world exist when we are asleep?
Author: Epified
Year: 2015

Ganesha (image info)

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