Thursday, February 18, 2016

Week 5 Reading Diary: Mahabharata PDE Edition Pt 1

·         Title: Mahabharata PDE Edition
Author: Vyasa

How did Uparichara drip semen? How did it fall to the river when he was in a car??
·         King Shantanu must have really loved Ganga if he allowed her to kill their first 7 children. Who loves someone that much? Or was there something else going on behind the scenes?
·         I feel like the story is moving extremely quick and hard to follow because so many people are getting married/born/introduced
·         Bhishma killed many people with a single arrow each and was awarded 3 princesses and brought them back to Hastinapura, so they could become the wives of Vichitravirya
·         It’s a little strange that Amba was willing to kill herself in order to be born again as a man, so she/he could have the power to kill Bhishma.
·         How difficult would it be to throw yourself into a fire and still have the concentration to chant something?
·         Vidura’s birth sounds very similar to Jesus Christ’s birth. A God who was born among men.
·         Kunti and her son sounds a lot like Moses’s mother sending him down the river as a baby to escape death and was discovered by Egyptian royalty.
·         Pandu really needs to stop killing deer. He kills one dear and gets cursed to die in the arms of one of his wives. Then he kills another deer who was having sex and was cursed to die with his wife when he was having sex..

·         Hard to believe that snake poison counteracted the poison that was already in Bhima. Were his ties so loose that he could simply break out of them?

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