Thursday, March 3, 2016

Week 7 Reading Diary: Epified Mahabharata Pt 2

Author: Epified
Date: 28 January 2016
    • Not really sure why Karna wasn't able to train. I know it is something to do with what he is, but not sure really why.
    • If Karna could simply lie about who he was. What really is the difference about the different "races"?
    • There are too many names of different characters to keep them sorted in my head.
    • It seems to me that every male character wants to be king, and every female character just wants to be married.
    • I have noticed that any time there is a person in someone's way, they just decide to kill them off. Does anyone ever get punished for murder?
    • It is also very repetitive in the fact that one person does something wrong, and then they are generally cursed with a curse that will ruin their lives.
    • Most of the kings and royalty tend to have more than one wife, so why shouldn't Draupadi have 5 husbands? It's only fair...I guess..
    • Pretty crazy how quick they seem to have built Indraprastha. 
    • Many of the men seem to fall in love with the same woman too. 
    • Draupadi agreed with the 5 brothers to rotate each year from one to the next. I'm sure there was all sorts of jealousy going on when she changed husbands. If the brothers failed to do so, they would be forced to go into exile for the next 12 years.
    • Not sure that it's fair for Arjun to go to exile for 12 years, when he accidentally saw his brother presumably sleeping with Draupadi.

Draupadi and Her 5 Husbands (image info)

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