Thursday, February 4, 2016

Week 3 Reading Diary: Ramayana PDE Part 2

·    Notes for Ramayana by Valmiki

     I enjoyed how Rama finally has found someone that he can relate to in Hanuman because they both have been removed from the kingdom.
·         Rama could easily just be helping Hanuman because he might need Hanuman’s help in the future, but because of his previous actions he could easily be doing it just because he is being kind.
·         When Rama killed Vali his entire family began be visually upset, even Sugriva was sad over his death when Sugriva was shot and killed by the arrow
·         Another proof of loyalty and keeping promises when Sugriva stayed and remembered that he owned a favor to Rama
·         Sita’s reaction to Hanuman when he found her shows how scared and afraid she really was while she was captured. It was necessary for her to send something of Rama’s in order for her to be completely sure that it was you.
·         Hanuman is so loyal to fill the promise that he made with Rama that he would rather die while looking for Sita, then to return empty handed and say that he was unable to find and rescue Sita
·         The story makes it seem that Rama has not been there very long, but has an incredible amount influence and respect throughout the forest.

·         I find it interesting that Ravana’s younger brother Vibhishana warns Ravana that Rama might come in to kill him, and when Ravana refuses to have up the fight Vibhishana instantly switches said and it working against his own brother.

Ravana Comes to Rescue Sita (image info)

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