Friday, February 5, 2016

Week 3 Storytelling: Hanuman's Life Experiences

Title: Ramayana
Author: Valmiki
Publication Year: 2009

Author's Note: This is based off of Hanuman's actions as if he were using them to try to secure a job during a job interview. He uses the lessons that he learned as a child to help show his worth and value. It breaks down each part of his story to show what he learned from each specific part. It has some assumptions of what Hanuman learned from his experiences based on my own judgement and many times is reflective of what I have learned from his story. My goal for this paper is to help other people learn that even though their life experiences have little to no relation to a job they are trying to get, there is almost always a way to relate things that happen by discussing what was learned. The image at the bottom is an illustration of Hanuman reaching for the sun he mistook for a mango. It is a reminder to all of us that any memory can be relatable to the present. This is the first story I have added to my portfolio, but hopefully I will be able to add future stories that can make these messages sink even deeper.

INTERVIEWER: Thank you coming to interview for the Project Manager position. We are looking for someone why can lead, but also maintain a close relationship with those under him or her. This interview is to see if your qualities and skills can fill into that role. So, Hanuman, where did you grow up?

HANUMAN: As a child, I saw the sun and thought it was a mango, so I tried to catch it and eat it. Before reaching it, I fell to the earth and scarred my chin. From that point on, I tried to become more resilient and to find a way even if all of the possible roads seem to be blocked off.

INTERVIEWER: How have your experiences while growing up helped your prepare for this position?

HANUMAN: I have done my best to help others along their way. I met a wonderful man named Rama, who was one of the strongest men who has ever lived. He was separated from his beloved wife, so at that point, I wanted nothing more than to reunite them both. This helped teach me to be less self-centered and more willing to help all those I can. Rama and I quickly became friends and were able to find a way that we could work together and help each other out. It has helped me focus on a purpose that was not for me, but for someone else. I searched for days, trying to find Rama's beloved wife Sita. After much searching and determination, I finally found the place of Sita's captor. After searching room by room throughout the enormous palace, there was no sign of Sita. It was devastating to feel that you are so close, but realize that you aren’t as close as you thought. I felt as though the pain that Rama was feeling was actually my own. It is a feeling that crushes your soul, but I knew that Sita must be out there. Perseverance will bring success in its own due time. However, that doesn’t mean that we have an excuse to give up, but simply that we have to continue searching for what we desire most.

INTERVIEWER: Who is one of your greatest role models?

HANUMAN: Rama is my greatest role model due to the many different life-long lessons I learned during my encounters with him. The greatest one was to learn that some of the best characteristics that a person can develop is from watching and learning from others. Rama was a great example to me in many ways, but his constant pursuit of his love Sita left me awestruck. He fought through countless enemies without quitting just because he had the hope that Sita was still alive.

INTERVIEWER: What was one of the most rewarding moments in your life?

HANUMAN: After countless hours of additional searching, I was finally able to find Sita in a grove of ashoka trees. Finding her not only made me feel accomplished, but also made me feel that I was making a difference because I knew how much this would mean for Rama to know that his wife was still alive. It feels as if a burden had been lifted off my shoulders. Additionally, the joy that Sita had on her face when she realized that Rama was coming was priceless. That is the kind of difference that I will make if you offer me this job. I want to help people and make their lives better due to the work that I do day in and day out. Success isn’t always guaranteed, but hard work and perseverance will give a person lasting satisfaction.

INTERVIEWER: Hanuman, I feel that your experiences will be a great fit as a project manager. The most important skill for this position is to be able to set up others for success. You showed that you have that skill when you helped Rama find Sita. You have also proven that you put others first which is essential when trying to manage a group of employees. I appreciate you coming in and we will get back to you with an answer in the next couple weeks.

HANUMAN: Thank you for having me. These life lessons that I have learned in my journey have prepared me for nearly everything that could come my way. I will be able to handle any situation that presents itself, and attack it with ferocity. I am looking forward to hearing back from you.

File:Hanuman Mistakes the Sun for a Fruit.jpg

Hanuman Mistakes the Sun for a Fruit (image info)


  1. I really enjoyed reading this version of Hanuman's story especially since I just read a story also from Hanuman's point of view, but it had a completely different tone. In the previous story I read, Hanuman was frustrated, but in this one I like how you showed Hanuman as a character who grew as a result of his experiences.

  2. Nathan,

    I liked this version of Hanuman's story. I also wrote about Hanuman this week, and I was glad to see that somebody else found him as interesting as I did. Your story, however, is much more serious than mine, and it maintains more of the original morality lessons. My version of Hanuman certainly did not grow as person throughout his arc. Thanks for sharing, I look forward to reading more of your work.


  3. Hi Nathan. I think it is great that you wrote a story on Hanuman. He was such an important character but sometimes neglected in these storytelling posts. I like that you also snuck in an awesome growth mindset quote in the end and that Hanuman was able to take his life lessons to help out Rama and Lakshama to find Sita. I think you did a great job on writing this very positive story.
