Thursday, February 25, 2016

Week 6 Reading Diary Mahabharata PDE Edition Pt 2

Author: Vyasa

·         If I found all of my furniture, wouldn’t run and get my family to see it, but I would get everyone out of there as soon as possible.
·         The rakshasa woman really fell in love fast. All she had to do was see Bhima sleeping and she was love struck. He must have been really good looking!
·         I like the detailed descriptions of everything that is going on and the surroundings
·         So many decisions are being made in order to get personal gain or receive more power. A lot of importance is being placed on being a power over someone else.
·         It is hard to follow the story due to the fact that a lot of time is passing by from section to section
·         Arjuna seems to have some sort of a special connection with Krishna.
·         Duryodhana is really jealous of the palace that is built for the Pandavas. I wonder if his jealousy will lead him to act out and do something.
·         Why is it required that Yudhishthira needs to fight another king in order to be a supreme monarch. If the kings are ruling separately, what is the connection between the two?
·         I like how such a big thing is being settled over a gambling match.
·         Most of the stories seem to be driven by the motives of jealousy or vengeance. The is a lot of individual search for power.
·         How terrifying would it be to be told that you were gambled away in a game?

Shakuni (Image Info)

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