Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Buenos Aires Argentina: My Favorite Place

My favorite place in the world, due to the memories that were created there, is Buenos Aires Argentina. I lived there for 2 years while serving a mission for my church and fell in love with the people and their generosity. The food is amazing and the people are simple. They love soccer and spending time outdoors and with each other. I dream of returning someday to visit all of the friends that I made there, so hopefully graduating college will do the trick.


"Corrientes Buenos Aires at Night" by Luis Argerich - Flickr: Buenos Aires at Night. 
Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Commons - Wikimedia


  1. I have heard such great things about Argentina, Nathan! A friend of mine just this morning sent me an email about a novel he has written that is set in Argentina, and he wants me to read it. I am excited! He needs someone who has never been to Argentina to read it so that he can get help in filling in the gaps and explaining things that don't make sense to someone who has never been to Argentina... so I am going to be that reader. Who knows, maybe I will get to visit there someday, and I hope you get to go back soon!

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  3. I am so jealous you lived in Argentina! I have always wanted to go there. It sounds like you really enjoyed living there. It must have been a great adventure. I hope you do get to go back someday and see your friends. I have never been to South America so I am very curious about it! What was your favorite thing about Argentina or Buenos Aires?

  4. Hello again Nathan!

    Over the Christmas break I went to Costa Rica and it was so awesome. I really admire you living in Argentina for two years to serve your church. One thing I wish I could have done is go on a mission trip. I never had the money to travel when I was younger. You have inspired me to try harder to serve people. Thank you!

