Sunday, January 31, 2016

Possible Indian Epics Storybook Topics

Possible Storybook: Buddha
Buddha is such an iconic character that nearly everyone has heard about, so I am interested in finding out more details about Buddha's life. I have learned about Buddha's search or enlightenment and how he secluded himself from society to search inside himself, but I am interested in learning more about his progression over time and how he thought and felt during his progression.
Research: From searching more on Wikipedia, I have realized that there are many different stories of Buddha that have conflicting facts. This is similar to Christianity how different churches believe different things even though it all originated from one source. I also never realized that Buddha was not only married but married at 16. I had learned this before, but was reminded that Buddha's father his all of the sick and poor from him as he grew up, so he never realized the amount of pain and suffering that was happening in the world.

Possible Storybook: Shiva
My interest from Shiva actually stems from a video game that my brother used to play. I know almost nothing about her or what she can do, but am curious to see if there is any correlation between the two or if they simply have the same name.
Research: From addition research on Wikipedia, I learned that Shiva is one of the three Deities of Hinduism along with Vishnu and Brahma. They are distinct beings but one with each other. He also is portrayed as a demon slayer. He is the god of yoga and the arts.

Shiva and Parvati.jpg
The God Shiva (image info)

Possible Storybook: Morals of Death
This topic interested me because in historical stories, death is usually accompanied with a moral of the story or a life lesson. I'm intrigued to know how the stories end for the different gods and goddesses and the reasoning behind their deaths. Did they die due to their own mistake? Did they die in a noble way?
Research: While on his deathbed, Dasharatha felt guilty for causing his son to be exiled due to a promise that he made years ago teaching us that eventually we will have to pay for the choices that we make and it might also cause others to suffer as well.

Possible Storybook: And they lived...happily ever after?
I am curious to see how the different stories end. Do they live happily ever after? Does one die? Do they split up? Do they both die? The stories are generally dramatic, so there are many different twists and turns that happen throughout.
Research: With the story of Rama and Sita, Rama is exiled and Sita decided that she could not stand living without him know that he would be suffering, so she decided that she would join Rama no matter where he goes. This shows how much she loves Rama and wants to remain loyal to him.

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