Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Week 7 Reading Diary: Epified Mahabharata Pt 1

     Title: Epified Mahabharata
Author: Epified
Date: 12 April 2015

Everyone seems to fall in love when they are at a river. Funny coincidence
·         How is it possible for Shantanu to watch as Ganga downs 7 of his kids? I would drown her!
·         Did Devavrata question why Ganga kept him from his father for so long?
·         He fell in love again by the water! A fisherman’s daughter
·         Shantanu didn’t have very much luck the first time he fell in love, so why is Devavrata so quick to give up his promise that he will never get married when he doesn’t even know if Ganga’s second marriage will be any better than the first?
·         I like how Bhishma’s first reaction to go and find the king a wife is to go kidnap 3 princesses instead of just find someone who is willing.
·         Why is Amba rejected when she was simply kidnapped and never gave herself to anyone?
·         Why was Parshurama so upset with Bhishma when he would not marry Amba, when it was simply because Bhishma and made a vow to never marry.
·         So if Vyasa’s wife didn’t love him and didn’t want to sleep with him, was it a form of rape?
·         The three sons of Vyasa have a rivalry for the throne.
·         Is it not a little too much to blindfold yourself just because your future husband is blind too? It would probably be more helpful if she used her sight to help her husband live a more normal life.
·         Kind of a strange sequence to hug a God and then have a son appear in your arms randomly.

·         Sending her son away in a basket on a river is similar to the story of Moses.

Leaving with Bhishma's son (image info)

1 comment:

  1. This had me laughing the entire time, because I had all the same questions about the craziness that goes on in the Mahabharata. Especially the part where you talk about Bhishma kidnapping the three princesses instead of just finding someone who is TOTALLY WILLING to marry a king (I don't think many would care what he looked like). :)
    You're doing a great job, keep up the work!
