Sunday, January 24, 2016

Growth Mindset Thoughts

I had never heard of the growth mindset or Carol Dweck before watching the video, but I do have similar beliefs that what she was teaching. One thing that really hit home as she was speaking was when she taught about the importance of accepting a challenge instead of pushing it away. I have seen too many times when college students (including myself) have been frustrated or angry when there are assignment in a class that are difficult or challenging because it is something new.

Last week was nothing short of crazy and hectic for me. I worked 52 hours at work, started my last semester before graduation with 15 credit hours, and had to make sure I was still being a good husband. It felt invigorating as I took the challenge head on instead of complaining or wondering why I had to be so busy.

This semester I think I might want to focus on the "Growth in your other classes" mindset, due to the fact that I am very busy and have to use my time wisely in order to not fall behind. This is my last semester before entering the workforce full time, so I need to develop a "take the bull by the horns" mentality.

Quoted from Carol Dweck's book, Mindset. The image is from Cheezburger


  1. Hi again!

    I am impressed that you juggle so much! it is good that you are enjoying the challenge rather than letting it run you down. It can be difficult to keep with with school work alone and when you add other variables it can be stressful. Good luck on the rest of the semester! I hope you keep enjoying the challenge!

  2. WOW! You have so much on your plate! This semester I had an interview where the gentleman asked me how I managed to do all the things I do while still maintaining my GPA, and I used the response I always do: time management. The guy then corrected me, saying that he believed it was more of what he calls "Focus management", where the time you set aside for a specific task is completely used for that task alone.
    Just thought I'd share, until next time!
