Sunday, January 24, 2016

Learning Challenges: H.E.A.R.T

The letter in H.E.A.R.T that stand out to me the most is the "H", health/happiness. Growing up, I had a bit of a uncontrolled temper and I got angry an almost anything when it didn't go exactly my way. I can't remember exactly what happened, but I remember that I got upset one day and later found out that I simply didn't understand the situation. I felt ashamed and embarrassed afterwards, and decided that I needed to change. I hated feeling angry or sad and loved feeling happy (who doesn't!) I made a conscious effort from then on to simply be happy in my circumstances.

Things don't go your way sometimes, but you are the best controller of your feelings. Yes, sometimes people do things that might upset you or hurt your feelings, but how you react to it is your own choice.

The letter that I need to work on is "R". READING...I'm not a big reader and never have been. Because of that, I am also a slow reader. Recently, I have had the desire to read beneficial books (more than fictional reading for entertainment). It has been a struggle for me because I read slower than my brain moves. I want to know what the author will say next, but I am not patient enough to continue focused on reading. I am slowly getting better, but hopefully by the end of this semester I will not only improve my reading speed and comprehension, but enjoy reading more as well.

On if this was me...

A quote from a Bowie interview in Brain Pickings; the interview is full of fun stuff. The image shows Bowie as Tesla in The Prestige.


  1. Nathan,

    I haven’t actually looked at the Learning challenges since the first assignment but you reminded me of reading portion of it. I really love to read but really haven’t been doing a lot of it because of school and other responsibilities. I sometimes struggle with not reading ahead because, as you said, you want to know that the author will say next. I’ve even resorted to covering the next page so as to not spoil it for myself haha! I hope we can both get to reading more soon!

  2. Nathan,

    I hope this class has helped you with the "R" that is reading! Reading is definitely something that I love to do for fun. If I could be paid to read I would die a happy woman. What types of beneficial books have you been trying to read? I know that those are always harder for me to read unless it is something I am REALLY interested in.
