Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Famous Last Words - Week 13

I am watch the Mahabharata movie this week and it is actually pretty interesting. I feel like watching the movie gives more defined characters. The actors have personalities and quirks which gives an interesting interpretation to characters that I have already read about. It also makes you notice details about their actions and reasoning that you normally wouldn't catch if you were just reading the story.

My Best Writings for This Week
I have had to prepare a presentation which only goes well if you plan out what you are going to say beforehand. I won't be reading anything off of a piece of paper, but writing well thought out, descriptive sentences will help me to explain better during the presentation.

My Other Classes
My MIS Field Project class is actually finishing up this week, so it will be really nice to only have to worry about 4 classes for the remaining few weeks of the semester. It will also give me more time to put into this class because I'll just say that I need do get all the points that I can in order to get the grade that I want! I do have a lot of upcoming projects that are due as well, so it is definitely at the crunch time of the semester. Almost there!

Outside of School
My wife and I are super excited to move the week after the semester is over. We just got the exact apartment that we were looking for, and we are excited to get a new puppy (a Shiba Inu!), start my new job, be a little closer to our parents' houses, and live in an apartment where the floors don't squeak with every step you take. Basically we are ready for this semester to be over. We have enjoyed living here in Norman, but we are ready to start the next chapter in our lives.

Image result for crunch time meme
Crunch Time (Image Info)

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