- Kanyakumari wanted to marry Shiva. He had to make it to Kanyakumari in one day. On Shiva's way, he heard a cock crow, so he assumed that it was day and turned around.
- Desire can satisfy need or greed
- Lakshmi - the embodiment of earth's wealth and bounty
- Desire is important in Hinduism. The world was created because of desire of the creater
- Cows are the most sacred animal in the Hindu religion
- Cows are gentle creatures, but they give milk to mils
- Does the cow produce milk for its calf or for humans
- Each society starts in perfection and then slows changes its moral beliefs and is then resurrected in perfection.
- Vishnu decides hat is beautiful and what is not, what is acceptable and what is not.
- An act of compassion creates society and civilization
- Civilization collapses when there is too much kindness and no one knows when to stop
- If sexual and material desire are not controlled by marriage and property, then they can destroy civilization.
Devi (Image Info)
While this is a random post to comment on, I wanted to say that I like your note taking format. I did this style in the Myth and Folklore class, but decided to push myself out of my comfort zone this semester and use a different style. It's so nice to organize the major themes of the stories by bullet points!