Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Week 12 Reading Diary: Vishnu's Secret Pt 2 and Brahma's Secret

  • Kingship or leadership is the most difficult role in society. He decides who is right and who is wrong, who will live and who will die.
  • Only humans are able to fight for a cause that is not theirs if they wish to.
  • All humans can discover the divine within them and joy comes when perfect and absolute realization, free of all prejudices, is attained.
  • God and man are separate and joy comes when one submits himself to God
  • Fish is a metaphor for jungle law, wild sex, restless material reality, non-vegetarian food
  • Cow is a metaphor for cultural law, domesticated sex, tamed material reality, vegetarian food
  • The purpose of life is the realize the soul. The less a man does this, the more he begins to behave like an animal
  • Conflict arises when man acts for power and not for love
  • Brahma is not worshiped because he creates and than forgets the reason why he made that creation.
  • Brahma created the world to understand who he was. The world is like his daughter.
  • Brahma is still seeking the material world so we cannot worship him
  • Shiva is everything that Brahma is not. 
  • The purpose of life is to realize the ego and overpower it.
  • Human life is special because one can self-reflect and uncover self-discovery
  • Karma determines everything that happens that is out of our control
Brahma (Image Info)

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