Saturday, April 23, 2016

Week 13 Reading Diary Make Up: Mahabharata Film Pt 2

  • He was angry that someone said that he had never felt anger? That doesn't make too much sense to me.
  • Talk about a gambling problem! Dhrishtira gambled away everything in the matter of 2 minutes!
  • Everyone seems to be taking things okay considering Dhrishtira is gambling them away.
  • Really? Gambling away your own wife? What a jerk...
  • "Look at my thigh"? Is that pickup line supposed to work?
  • "Greed devours all" Right after that is said, Dhrishtira goes back and loses everything and is sentenced to exile right after he gained his family back. Addiction is difficult to overcome. During an addiction, people can only see what they can gain instead of what they can lose. This can cloud their judgement and leave them unable to realize the problems that they are having.
  • Amba said that she stays young because of her anger and that she promised to kill Bhishma. Maybe I should be angry to keep myself young!
  • I have noticed that there is not a lot of conflict resolution. Most of the time the conflict ends in one person killing another. This is a big difference of society a thousand years ago compared to today's society.
  • No one seems to be too angry at Dhrishtira for gambling them away into exile.

Title: Mahabharata 1
Author: Peter Brook
Year: 1989

Dhritarashtra (Image Info)

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