Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Week 11 Reading Diary: Narayan's Secret

  • The ocean of milk represents possibility
  • When Narayan wakes, everything comes out of the milk, so when Narayan sleeps the world is still
  • When Narayan sleeps, it is the end of the world because he is over the world
  • Does the observer create the observation or does the observation create the observer?
  • Narad provokes people and tries to create conflict and insecurity
  • Death is considered a comma, not a period
  • The soul is permanent and ever-present, but is without form
  • A perfect truth is conveyed through imperfect forms
  • Hiranakashipu is arrogant for thinking that he is a God for being immortal and was put in his place when he was killed by Narcima
  • Intent and behavior can make anyone a demon
  • Arjuna is expected to kill and start a war but refuses. Krishna speaks to Arjuna and explains the order of the world. Things die only to be born again.
  • What is the purpose of life? Matter exists to draw attention to the soul. This means that we must live in society and do our part. We are part of society and there is no escape, unless one disciplines the mind and has no selfish desires
  • God is all things, in all things, outside all things. Everything is God
  • We are God, but just have not discovered it ourselves. We can once we strip ourselves of selfish behavior and thought
Author: Epified
Year: 2015

Narayan (Image Info)

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