Friday, April 8, 2016

Week 11 Storytelling: Who Destroyed the World?

As the great Narayan was observing the world beneath him, it began to crumble! Buildings fell, volcanoes erupted, earthquakes swallowed the people whole, and oceans covered up the land. Narayan could do nothing, but watch as the earth turned black. He then stormed off in an angry rage to find Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.

NARAYAN: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, I know you are the only ones capable of such a feat, and I will not rest until I find out which one of you destroyed the world without my slumber.

BRAHMA: It wasn't any of us Narayan!

VISHNU: We have been together this whole time.

SHIVA: It's true!

NARAYAN: Then what is it that you were doing?

The three Gods stood there in silence, without a response, as they looked at each other awkwardly waiting for someone to talk.

NARAYAN: I'm sure whatever it was that you were doing, could not have been worse than destroying the world!

BRAHMA: Where's my lawyer!?

VISHNU: We don't have any lawyers.. We're Gods.

NARAYAN: If one of you doesn't start talking in the next thirty seconds. I will drown you in my sea of milk.

SHIVA: Please no! I'll talk, but you have to promise me that you will not tell Rama.

NARAYAN: What does this have to do with Rama? Don't you dare try to blame it on him.

SHIVA: Well...uhh...umm...


SHIVA: Brahma, Vishnu, and I can't take our eyes off of Sita! We know that she and Rama still secretly love each other after what happened, but we can't help it! She's just so pretty.

NARAYAN: Is that seriously all you three nitwits were doing? The what the heck happened to the world? I know that I haven't slept for thousands of years, but I wasn't the least bit tired when the world started to crumble.

BRAHMA: Well, did you notice anything unusual right before all of the destruction started happening?

NARAYAN: Now that you mention it, I did notice that something was a little off. I did notice that no one has been born in the last 30 days.

BRAHMA: Thirty days! That's impossible because I...wait...Shiva, how long how we been staring at Sita?

SHIVA: I don't know, maybe for the past month or so. Why?

BRAHMA: So Narayan, did you happen to notice any deaths?

NARAYAN: Now that you mention it, I haven't seen anyone die either!

SHIVA: Uh oh...

VISHNU: You idiots! Legend has it that if the earth is not balanced between life and death then it cannot sustain itself. It must renew and refresh the life that is on the earth in order to continue functioning properly. And since Brahma and Shiva, the Creator and the Destroyer, have done nothing, but stare at Sita, the world became unbalanced!

NARAYAN: But Vishnu, you are supposed to be the Sustainer! Who could you let this happen!

VISHNU: I guess I should take part of the blame too...

SHIVA: Vacation time!


SHIVA: Correction, Brahma has to fix this. He's the Creator. You won't need my services for a very long time.

And Shiva lived happily ever after.

Author's Note: This story is based on the ideas that when Narayan sleeps, the world is destroyed. It also uses the three Gods, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, as the creator, sustainer, and destroyer.

Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva (Image Info)


  1. Great story, Nathan. I chuckled at the part where Shiva says "Correction, Brahma has to fix this. He's the Creator. You won't need my services for a very long time." That was a very clever line. One thing that I liked about the story overall is that you portray the gods in a humorous way. The Indian tales always cast them in such a serious light. It was interesting to see them make mistakes and interact with one another. The dialog was very smooth. I could picture the conversation in my head as I read along. You did a good job using narration to set the scene in the beginning and then using dialog the rest of the story to get into the fine details. You also accomplished something that I struggle with, brevity! I always seem to have so much to say. You, on the other hand, did a fantastic job telling us just enough info to keep things interesting without dragging the whole thing out. I'll have to take a few notes!

  2. Hi again Nathan, I hope you are doing well. Just finished reading your story and thought it was really good. I like how you used dialogue to set up the plot and the setting of the story. I like how exciting the story it was. It was one of those stories that I started to read and go into. Great job.

  3. Nathan,

    I was immediately captivated by your amazing use of dialogue for this story. I think it is such a cool way to introduce characters to the reader and it also helps the reader to become more invested in the story. I think this story flows very well and is interesting! Great job!

  4. This was a really cool story! Throughout most of it I was wondering who was the bad god that had secretly ended the world and come to find out they were all just being super lazy. Or I guess more distracted, but pretty much the same thing in this case. I think its funny that they are in love with Sita though. Great story!

  5. Nathan,

    I was so glad to get the opportunity to come back to your blog to read more of your stories this week! I like how you had the world ending because a couple of gods were distracted by a girl. I thought that was hilarious. I also liked how you talked about the balance of life. I thought that was a really nice touch to your story. Overall, great job with your storytelling!


  6. I loved this story, especially Shiva. I could not help but laugh at his responses. The world ends because the god’s are unable to do their jobs due to them admiring the beauty of a woman on earth. Now since the earth has ended, does this mean that Sita is dead?

    You did a great job in explaining the balance of life and death in this story. This was well written, and fluid.
